Thursday, December 19, 2024
11.5 C

Comment & Analysis

Lesotho pushes for AGOA extension

Lesotho is lobbying for the renewal of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which is set to expire on September 30, 2025. Enacted in May...

IEC move applauded

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has embarked on a spirited re-registration campaign targeting young voters. This significant step reflects a commitment to ensuring that young...

World Vision Lesotho says no to child hunger

World Vision Lesotho says hunger is at its worst in generations. In Lesotho, there are over 580 000 people who...

Lesotho youth rise to climate change

In the face of global environmental threats, young people in Lesotho are stepping up to drive a just transition...

2 steps forward 1 step back

I’m working in new and traditional media in a tiny economy that seems to be contracting (though I’m informed...

IEC working to maintain clean voters’ roll

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) says it is updating the national voters’ roll to improve the accuracy and integrity...

Trump? Let’s wait and see

At the time of going to print it became clear and official that Donald Trump had landed the US...

Conference underscores importance of groundwater

The Southern Africa Development Community Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI) will next week hold the 6th annual Southern African Development...