By Tokiso TKay Nthebe
Money conversations remain a BIG taboo for many Basotho households because ‘money is a sensitive topic’ or ‘money conversations are stressful and uncomfortable’. There is generally a lack of knowledge around how to use money, save and grow it, because growing up, good money habits were never taught at home. We see this in the high levels of datedness, low savings rate, lack of understanding of insurance products and not enough money saved up for retirement.
The increasing cost of living – high interest rates, high food and fuel prices is also making life difficult for many households. Salaries are not growing, leaving many families stressed and anxious. As many families do their best to navigate the difficult economic times, having access to correct information and resources like Leruo when making financial decisions can go a long way.
What is Leruo?
Leruo is a financial educational platform, proudly brought to you by Alliance, through print, radio, and digital platforms. Through Leruo, Alliance seeks to provide personal finance and financial planning hacks to help the ordinary Mosotho navigate their finances, plan and access information about financial products and services.
How can you benefit from Leruo?
Mosotho o re: ‘Sechaba se timela ke ho hloka tsebo.
Whether you are employed, running a business, or studying, Leruo is for ALL Basotho. Rua tsebo ka litaba tsa lichelete from well-researched, practical, and educational content that simplifies financial terms, products, and services. You also can learn and improve your financial knowledge, so you are confident to ask the right questions when dealing with financial service providers. Leruo also seeks to help families and communities break the taboo, sensitivity, and fear around money – by sharing content that sparks money conversations. Let’s have more conversations about money! As we continue to celebrate selemo se secha sa Basotho, Let’s work hard, be responsible, make better financial decisions and build leruo Sechaba sa Rants’o!