By Tkay Nthebe
“Financial prosperity is our birthright. Ours is to be responsible and change our money habits”
Personally, I am always excited about New Year’s resolutions, because they allow us to reflect on the previous year and presents an opportunity for us to start over again on a clean slate. This is especially important after surviving salary cuts and/or loss of income because of COVID-19, exposing just how unprepared most of us were for unforeseen financial emergencies and keeping adequate savings for rainy days.
As bad as the previous year was, I believe it also taught us many valuable lessons that shaped how we spend and manage our money. My hope is that many of us took some time over the last few months trying to build our savings and getting our finances in order. Well, if you haven’t started yet, I would like to encourage you to start now.
“Hopola hore ha li na motloha-pele”
Financial prosperity is our birth right and everyone deserves it irrespective of age, gender or earning potential. It, however, requires that we be responsible, make big changes to our money habits and put in the work if we are to get our finances right. I am also not so naïve as to think that 2021 is going to be better than the previous year given the prevailing situation in the country – with the rising numbers of new cases and many of our loved ones passing away as a result of COVID-19. As scary as these times are, I remain a BIG advocate of positive thinking and holistic wellness. So yes, I do believe that we can still build financial resilience and Leruo in 2021 despite all the challenges.
You may be wondering; how then can one achieve financial prosperity?
Well, it starts with the 3Ms i.e. mindset, money and method according to Sudarshan Sukhani. Secondly it’s about forgiving ourselves for the money mistakes we’ve made in the past. Lastly, I believe that it is important to define the financial goals we would like to achieve in 2021 and put in the work to achieve them (this is the hardest part).
3Ms: Mindset, Money and Method

Source: The 3M Rule of trading
As we start off 2021, let’s make building financial resilience and Leruo our new year’s resolution. Being an optimist, I am truly excited about walking this journey with fellow Basotho as we unlock the endless possibilities towards building Leruo and achieving financial prosperity. In the next issue, we will continue and discuss The 3M rule of trading as it applies to our personal finances and how to set financial goals. Till then, I wish you all the best in becoming your best version in these trying times. Keep well and stay safe.