The minister of water, Nkaku Kabi was at Sephareng in Katse, Thaba-tseka yesterday to launch one of the recently completed water supply systems.
The water supply system is part of the LHDA implemented water supply sanitation (WATSAN) programme for the supply of water and sanitation to the communities around the LHWP dams.
The system that was launched today will provide water to about 6,300 people (approximately 1,170 households) living in 24 villages, in Katse and Lejone area.
In terms of the work done so far, it is expected that by the end of this year a total of 27,000 people living in 101 villages in Katse, Lejone and Matsoku area would have benefited from this KLM water and Sanitation (WATSAN) program.
There are six villages yet to be supplied with water supply covering a total population of 3,600 due for completion in the next two years. The sanitation and refuse disposal is complete in all 107 villages.