Rapper and singer Khethisi ‘Lu Srenk’ Motsiba says he is working on his debut mix tape which will be released next month, that features his club-banger titled ‘No doubt’.
The muso said the single was inspired by his supporters and friends who have never doubted him since day one, and who voted for him to perform at the Keystothecity concert that was held in April this year.
“I cannot wait for my fans to hear what I am cooking for them in the upcoming mixtape titled ‘The Ropes’. My music career is inspired by many artists from around the world, but I think I have always been a music junkie from a very young age because my late father liked singing, and he inspired me a lot too,” Lu Srenk said.
If he were to pick just one person that he looks up to in the music circles, it would be local rapper L-Tore, who has been his ever-present pillar of strength in all his years in the entertainment industry.
“L-Tore’s consistency in helping other artists and wanting to see them succeed like him inspires me, and I am really happy that he features on my upcoming mixtape; I can safely say this is going to be a killer collabo,” he indicated.
The ‘No doubt’ singer said being an artist can be challenging. As a result, he has learned to remain grounded and stay in his lane as he meets the right people, while also knowing his market because the pressures of the music industry can sometimes drive young artists to depression.
“I wish society could change the way they perceive entertainers, and at least stop putting so much pressure on us. We may act all strong and that in public, but when we are alone the pressure gets to us and that can lead to depression, he explained.