In Numbers

US$ 7.8 m six months (February – July 2019) net funding requirements, representing 29% of total
278,250 people targeted in 2019
Operational Updates
- WFP Lesotho is presently scaling up operations to meet the most pressing needs of vulnerable communities during the lean season. In January,
WFP started preparations such as targeting, collecting baseline data, external consultations, contracting, and a retailer market assessment for assistance to be implemented through a joint UN rapid response targeting orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), and an expansion of the Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) activity in Mohale’s Hoek and Quthing districts targeting 3,000 households. In the two districts, WFP, with funding from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), will assist a total of 9,816 OVC households with unconditional transfers using a hybrid of cash and vouchers through retailers/merchants. WFP will collaborate with Vodacom using a mobile cash delivery mechanism until June 2019. The entry point for targeting OVC’s are primary schools and Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) centres where WFP is assisting. For verification and to avoid duplication, the lists are confirmed with the Ministry of Social Development, the custodian ministry for OVCs. - Part of the lean season assistance, Food Assistance for Asset activities resumed in four out of 11 project sites that were suspended in April 2018 as a result of a resourcing shortfall. In these project sites (two in Mohale’s hoek and two in Quthing district), communities are creating soil and water conservation assets that address land degradation to improve their livelihoods. The Ministry of Forestry provides technical supervision in the implementation of quality assets while WFP provides cash transfers, non-food items and technical assistance on targeting, quality assurance in the creation of assets as well as monitoring and evaluation. The FFA activities are funded until June via a WFP internal mechanism aimed to minimize the impact of funding fluctuations, as decided by the Strategic Resource Allocation Committee (SRAC). FFA participants will receive immediate cash Contact info: Mamachobane Lephoto transfers though a bank.